
All 1st and co-author scientific publications, conference proceedings, published briefing documents and datasets.

Peer-reviewed Articles

Williams, T.J., Blockley, D., Cundy, A., Godbold, J.A., Howman, R.M., Solan, M. (2024). Dilute concentrations of maritime fuel can modify sediment reworking activity of high-latitude marine invertebrates. Ecology and Evolution, 14(7), e11702.

Williams, T.J., Reed, A.J., Peck, L.S., Godbold, J.A., Solan, M. (2024). Ocean warming and acidification adjust inter- and intra-specific variability in the functional trait expression of polar invertebrates. Scientific Reports, 14, 14985.

Williams, T.J., Basford, P., Katsamenis, O., Solan, M., Foster, G.L., Standish, C.D., Godbold, J.A., Archambault, P. (2024). Three-dimensional reconstruction of high latitude bamboo coral via X-ray microfocus Computed Tomography. Scientific Data, 11, 602.

Williams, T.J., Standish, C.D., Archambault, P., Godbold, J.A., Solan, M., Katsamenis, O., Basford, P., Foster, G.L. (2024). Geochemical proxies for deep-sea temperature and nutrient content in cold-water bamboo corals. Chemical Geology, 654, 122053.

Conference Proceedings

Coming soon.

Policy Briefs

Jones, R. and Williams, T. (2021) A changing Arctic: Merging scientific perspectives. [Online] Available at: Public Policy|Southampton


Williams, T.J., Katsamenis, O.L., Basford, P.J., Solan, M., Foster, G.L., Standish, C., Godbold, J.A., Archambault, P. (2023). High-resolution three-dimensional images of deep-sea bamboo corals Acanella arbuscula and Keratoisis sp. collected in the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait during the CCGS Amundsen expedition in 2021 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Williams, T.J., Reed, A.J., Peck, L.S., Godbold, J.A., & Solan, M. (2023). Measurements for a 92 day climate manipulation experiment on replicate macrofaunal mesocosms collected on the cruise JR18006 in the Western Barents Sea and at Rothera research station in 2019 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre.

Williams, T.J., Standish, C.D., Archambault, P., Godbold, J.A., Solan, M., Katsamenis, O., Basford, P., Foster, G.L. (2023). A global database of measured values of Li/Mg, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, U/Ca and Sr-U for coral and coralline algae paleoenvironment calibrations. PANGAEA.