
I'm Tom Williams, a research fellow at the School of Ocean and Earth Science at the University of Southampton, UK. I am a marine biologist by training and a striving quantitative ecologist. The central activity of my work involves conducting investigations on the responses of marine biodiversity to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and the ensuing implications for ecosystem functioning.

Research Interests

I have broad interests in marine benthic ecology, Arctic ecosystems and data science. I am well versed in the use of experimentally manipulated environments [in both the lab and field] to evaluate organism responses to change, and the repercussions of these responses on ecosystem functioning. I have also developed trait-based computational models that explore the functional ramifications of ecological cascade effects, by incorporating extinction orders based on vulnerabilities and species interactions.

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  • PhD in Marine Ecology, 2023

    University of Southampton, UK

  • MSci in Marine Biology, 2019

    University of Southampton, UK

Previous and Current Projects